451: Brittney Schiff on Growing Food and Raising Animals

Having good clean fun on an urban farm. — In This Podcast: Awakening to the desire to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and meat, Brittney Schiff and her husband Stephen started with a few garden beds and chickens. Gradually this increased and they moved to a property that allowed them to…

347: Theresa Rooney on Humane Critter Control

347: Theresa Rooney on Humane Critter Control. Keeping critters and pests at bay humanely and safely.  Theresa is a self-taught, life-long gardener. She is a Master Gardener who has turned […]

280: Nancy Lawson on Humane Gardening

280: Nancy Lawson on Humane Gardening. Using native plants to creatively interact with wildlife and avoid landscaping conflicts. Nancy is a columnist for All Animals magazine, as well as the […]

Death on the Urban Homestead

Death on the Urban Homestead By Anne-Marie Miller Editor’s Note: The Urban Farm U community is made up of conscious eaters, including vegans, omnivores, and everything in between. At Urban […]

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