618: Wildflowers

A Chat with a Seed Expert. – This is the June 2021 Seed Saving Class discussing wildflowers. Bill McDorman draws on his 28 years of careful observation as he shares expert tips for successful wildcrafting and planting of wildflower seeds, including mistakes to avoid. He also clears up some common misconceptions about…

464: Nicole Finklestein on Urban Herb Farming

Tapping into the many benefits of backyard botanicals. — In This Podcast: While becoming a licensed acupuncturist and doctor, Nicole Finklestein felt the carbon footprint of the medicinals and botanicals in her practice was extensive. She drew on her family farming background to start growing herbs and flowers. She discusses holistic practices used on her farm, as well as…

143: Cara Dafforn on Dehydrating the Urban Farm

We venture back in time with Cara Dafforn to learn how the women homesteaders of the mid 1800’s cooked, gardened, nurtured, and survived during the trials of the Civil War.  She explains to Greg that as a history buff she was intrigued enough to try to replicate many of the processes in use during the time period

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