RECIPE: Dinosaur Pie
Dinosaur Pie by Guest blogger: Jake Mowrer of Texas A&M University Listen to his podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /] Dinosaur Pie is an invention I came up with to get […]
What 1.5 Years in Asia Taught Me About Food

By Guest Blogger Tayler Jenkins : I really like food. Eating food, cooking food, harvesting food, thinking about food. Truly, I can never really get food (and food systems) off my mind.
My activism started at a young age. From encouraging neighbors to vote on animal welfare propositions in 8th grade, to co-leading the organization Real Food ASU in college, to working for Urban Farm U, to gardening and…
251: Shane Jordan on Minimizing Food Waste

251: Shane Jordan on Minimizing Food Waste. Making recipes from those leftover ingredients that might have been tossed. – – – – Shane is a vegetarian chef and author based […]
218: Nafsika Antypas on Living a Plant-Based Life

218: Nafsika Antypas on Living a Plant-Based Life. Understanding the reasons and options for choosing a vegan lifestyle. – – – – Nafsika is the Host and Creator of the […]
160: Dr. James Loomis on Lifestyle Medicine

Greg talks to a doctor that he met a few months back. Dr. Jim is fabulous at bringing the complexities of healthy eating to simple and memorable analogies. Transitioning from a standard American diet to a plant based one to improve health and vitality is something that Dr. Jim can talk about because he did just that.
150: Karine Kuchipudi on Going Vegan

150: Karine Kuchipudi on Going Vegan Transitioning to a plant based diet for a healthy lifestyle. Karine was once an extreme carnivore and she happily ate sweetbreads, blood pudding, lots […]
Food (Soy Protein, that is) for Thought

Food (Soy Protein, That Is) for Thought By Emily Powell The word “tofu” does not necessarily lend itself to incite mouth-wateringly appetizing images of deliciousness. For some, in fact, […]