697: Planting for the Bugs

A Garden Chat with Suzanne Bontempo. – Bugs play a vital role in the health of an ecosystem, and with a little strategic planting, we can invite the “good” ones to join us in our own growing spaces. Join us as we talk with Suzanne Bontempo about planning ahead for bugs, how to recognize the…
657: Vicki Hird on Rebugging the Planet

Renewing Our Relationships with Bugs. – Wait…Don’t step on that bug! Vicki Hird introduces us to the fascinating world of bugs, showing us a whole new way to think about our insect and invertebrate friends. She invites us to look a little closer so we can begin to appreciate bugs not only for the many essential…
607: Watching for Contaminants in Your Soil

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes – Kristina Hunter from Live. Well. Green Podcast educates us on the many sources and types of contaminants that can be found in soil, especially in an urban garden. While some sources are evident, Kristina calls attention…
515: Kerry Smith on Harvest for Health.

Mentoring cancer survivors through backyard vegetable gardens. – In This Podcast: Anyone who gardens knows the benefits, but Kerry Smith is proving it with her Harvest for Health program for cancer survivors. This experiment partners the Alabama Master Gardeners with Auburn University to…
392: Gabe Brown on Beneficial Soil Ecosystems

392: Gabe Brown on Beneficial Soil Ecosystems. Knowing the secret to building healthy soil. Gabe is one of the pioneers of the current soil health movement which focuses on the […]
215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides

215: Suzanne Bontempo on Gardening without Pesticides. Contemplating the best options for:If, when, and what type of insect control to use in the garden. – – – – Suzanne has […]
A Healthy Living Environment

A Healthy Living Environment By Paige R. Jacques Did you know that allergists claim that up to 50 percent of illness is caused (or worsened) by indoor pollution? Also, did […]