659: Companion Planting
A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the December 2021 class discussing companion planting. Why work so hard in your garden? Gardening should be fun, relaxing and stress free. Unfortunately many of us don’t subscribe to that philosophy. We worry, we fret and we fear we aren’t doing…
643: Nifty Nightshades
A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – We are so glad the deadly nightshades aren’t! Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and tomatillos. Easy to save the seeds and so many reasons to. And the good news is that these plants are self-pollinating so no worries about your plants “getting crossed…
507: Pierre Nibart on Indoor Gardening.
Bringing life into your home. – In This Podcast: The OGarden, a high tech way of bringing indoor gardening into a small space in your home, is Pierre Nibart’s labor of love to improve people’s well being. With his OGarden, you can grow 90 plants in a self-lit, 29″ by 53″ space with minimal…
326: Jan McCarthy on Making Hot Spicy Jams
326: Jan McCarthy on Making Hot Spicy Jams. Adding some sweet and spice to life through delicious fruit jams. Jan worked in her parents’ bakery from age 12 until she […]