732: Aurora Rogers on Resilient Pioneering

Homesteading off the grid. – Join Aurora Rogers and Greg for a lively conversation about resiliency, home steading, low grid and becoming financially free. Aurora is a Venezuelan designer and process consultant devoted to creating resilient frameworks for every area of her life. Her husband of 24 years is Jason, who is an…

333: Brandi DeCarli on Farming From a Box

333: Brandi DeCarli on Farming From a Box. Helping farmers think INSIDE the box. Brandi is the Founding Partner of Farm from a Box, an off-grid farm system that uses […]

315: Leanne Phillips on Off-grid Natural Living

315: Leanne Phillips on Off-grid Natural Living. Embracing simplicity and starting a new life. Leanne, creator of Wisdom ooh Zivaat, is an organic lifestyle and holistic health Educator, and an […]

Featured Farmer: Ginger Duncan from Mystic Mountain

Featured Farmer: Ginger Duncan from Mystic Mountain Eco-Village in Alaska Editor’s Note: Ginger Duncan was also on our podcast! Listen Here. I’m Ginger Duncan, a 48 year old, life-long Alaskan.  Although […]

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.