629: Wrap Up of Roundup

A SPECIAL Farmer Friday interview with Jeffrey Smith: Jeffrey joins us to discuss the astonishing news that Bayer will discontinue sales of Roundup to residential consumers in the US. Jeffrey is a passionate advocate for people and nature in the fight against Roundup and GMO’s. He explains the…
437: Casey O’Leary on Seed Cooperatives

Stewarding our seed futures with regional growers working together – In This Podcast: We dove into the world of urban seed saving and starting a seed co-op with Casey O’Leary. She has worn many hats: an environmental activist, farmer, CSA owner, and founder of the…
402: Ciara Bennett on Premium Homemade Granola

402: Ciara Bennett on Premium Homemade Granola. Creating a line of homemade nutritious and delicious snacks. Ciara is the founder of VintageOats, a Phoenix based, premium granola company. Originally from […]