Food Insecurity

Food Desert Map - Chicago - cropped

By Guest Blogger: Laurie Ouding, RN – Chicago’s population of 2.7 million consists of numerous neighborhoods, varying greatly in income levels and subsequently, the health of its citizens within those neighborhoods. Food inequity in areas often referred to as food deserts, bring a plethora of health related…

3 Simple Ways to Be a Food Waste Warrior

3 Simple Ways to Be a Food Waste Warrior by Guest blogger: Josh KrenzCEO and Founder of Vivid Life Sciences Listen to his podcast HERE The United States is a […]

394: Tonya Antle on the Organic Grower Summit

394: Tonya Antle on the Organic Grower Summit. Propelling organic produce from fringe to mainstream. Tonya grew up on her family’s table grape and citrus farm in Delāaaano, California. From […]

Why would anyone choose urban farming?

Why would anyone choose urban farming? by Farmer Greg Peterson Would you like to know my secret to a long and healthy life?  My journey of this discovery started when […]

Interested in the urban farm's story ?

Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.