506: Melissa Canales on Urban Microgreens.

Providing convenience, variety, and deliciousness to the on-the-go conscientious eater. – In This Podcast: We’ve all heard about the benefits of eating microgreens, but what does it take to grow them? Melissa Canales of Quantum Microgreens makes it her business to grow and supply this amazing…
442: Emily Heller on Growing Food for Locals and Small Restaurants

Living the good life while selling from a small farm . In This Podcast: How does one become a farmer when you haven’t gone to school for agriculture? Emily Heller did just that using local education programs and opportunities. Here, she discusses successful selling as a small space producer, parameters for success in gardening, and…
273: Hilary Kearney On Beekeeping

273: Hilary Kearney On Beekeeping. Buzzing through some basics on bees, hives and honey. Hilary owns and operates Girl Next Door Honey, and is a full-time beekeeper in her home […]
170: Don Tipping on Seeds and Plant Breeding

Greg chats with an organic seed farmer and educator Don Tipping who shares his story about how he started growing seeds. Don also explains how and why a couple cooperatives got started including the Open Source Seed Initiative. He has been able to open his farm to host intensive seed academy classes and he guides Greg through the topics that are covered.