602: Partnering with Nature

A Garden Chat with Jessica Walliser. – Jessica Walliser returns for a riveting discussion about unique ways we can partner with nature that will enable a thriving garden. Many perceive bugs or mushrooms as a pest problem, however, Jessica points out that fungi and insects can actually be an…

Ten Tips for a Thriving Pollinator Victory Garden

Make a big difference in your garden. The passion and urgency that inspired the Victory Gardens of World Wars I and II are needed today to meet another threat to our food supply and our environment—the steep decline of pollinators. Want to help pollinators and create a beautiful garden? Here are ten tips from…

Promoting Your Urban Farm Online

Promoting Your Urban Farm Online by John Lagoudakis. Selling your produce at a local market is a great place to start but that might not be an option for you, or you may not sell enough at the markets.What you could do is promote your produce online. In this article we are going to talk about some simple best practices to help you set up and promote your…

Interested in the urban farm's story ?

Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.