677: Lisa Steele on Cooking with Eggs

Knowing a thing or two dozen about raising hens and collecting eggs. – Eggs are an important and readily available food source, and they are so very versatile. Rediscover the humble egg with returning guest, Lisa Steele as she talks about her newest book, The Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook. She also tells us a bit…
669: Christy Wilhelmi on Garden Variety – a Novel

There’s More to Gardening Than Merely Keeping Pests at Bay. – Christy Wilhelmi returns to tell us about her latest book, Garden Variety, a novel set in a community garden. She explains why she wrote the book and shares a little bit about the process, then she introduces us to the characters and even…
258: Deb Burns on How to Get a Farming Book Published

258: Deb Burns on How to Get a Farming Book Published. Writing and publishing books for urban farmers, homesteaders and nature lovers. Storey Publishing is a prolific publisher of […]