735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…
703: Justin “Jules” Giuliano on Earth Friendly Potting Soil

Educating about soil and planetary health with peat free planting mix. – Justin “Jules” Giuliano may be a relative newcomer to the garden, but his love of the outdoors and his willingness to make mistakes have grown into a lifelong passion for the soil. Combining that passion with his roots in…
651: Thinking Outside the Garden Box

A Garden Chat with Raymond Jess. – Farmer Greg talks with Raymond Jess and Janis Norton, from the Urban Farm, about a multitude of variations on the traditional garden box. They share their own experiences and discuss the unique advantages of each type of bed, covering topics such as how they…
470: David Stark on Soil Microbes

Getting serious about the microscopic life in soil. — In This Podcast: Retired after years of leadership in Monsanto, David Stark was asked to mentor a young company making what was essentially compost tea. Reluctantly and with some concerns over the science, he agreed and now is excited to share what he has learned about…