735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden

A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…

699: Jeffrey Smith on Protecting the Microbiome

Raising public awareness about the dangers of gene editing. – Jeffrey Smith returns to the Urban Farm Podcast to talk about what he calls “GMO 2.0”, an easily attainable technology with the power to permanently change the genetic makeup of every living thing on earth. The foods we eat are already being…

429: Thomas Tuoti on Growing Mushrooms at Home

Thomas Tuoti on Growing Mushrooms at Home

Minimizing food waste and improving soils by growing fungi – We learn the ins and outs of growing mushrooms at home with Thomas Tuoti. Listen in for the difference between mushrooms and mycelium as well as how to use them to build your soil. Mushrooms are the composting tool we never…

370: Steve Gabriel on Forest Farming

370: Steve Gabriel on Forest Farming. Guarding forests as a valuable part of the agriculture system. Steve is an ecologist, forest farmer, and educator living in the Finger Lakes Region […]

312: Kevin Fitzgerald on Marvelous Mushrooms

312: Kevin Fitzgerald on Marvelous Mushrooms. Getting to know more about the popular culinary fungi. After spending years in communications contracting and feeling unfulfilled Kevin decided to start farming and […]

Bonus Episode 6: Ask Jake and Greg

Bonus Episode 6: Ask Jake and Greg. An August 2017 Q&A session with two experts on Gardening and Fruit Trees. In This BONUS Podcast: Jake Mace the Vegan Athlete and […]

Chanterelle Hunting in the Pacific Northwest

Chanterelle Hunting in the Pacific Northwest By Sarah Jaroszewski As the long days of summer turn into early fall, golden orange treasures (cantharellus formosas) emerge from the forest floor. Here […]

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