How to Hatch Eggs

by Guest blogger: Pascale Pearce You like the idea of incubating chicken eggs to raise your own flock of backyard chickens but have concerns about the cost and difficulty factor. Hatching chicken eggs is fun and easy if you follow these simple guidelines.
460: Pascale Pearce on Egg Incubation for Beginners

Making the hatching of backyard chickens easy and fun. – In this podcast: If you are not careful, you might find that hatching eggs can quite easily develop into a passion, just ask Pascale Pearce! She took a job that needed her to hatch eggs at least once, so she knew what she was talking about – and now…
441: Jill Shea as a Woman in the World of Aquaponics

Finding purpose in educating about indoor farming . In This Podcast: We had the pleasure of talking aquaponics with Jill Shea from Trifecta Ecosystems. Trifecta Ecosystems practices sustainable farming in their aquaponics farm and educates the community to grow their own food as part of the…
304: Karen Lanier on Wisdom and Wonders of Women Farmers

304: Karen Lanier on Wisdom and Wonders of Women Farmers. Recognizing the feminine nature within all and how this benefits farming. Karen is a naturalist, documentarian, teacher, artist, and gardener […]