682: Christine Lance on Planning, Building, and Maintaining a Resilient Community Garden

Doing the hard work of setting up a strong community. – Turn your vision for a successful community garden into a reality using the ten-step plan laid out by Christine Lance in this episode. It is no surprise that gardening skills are a plus, but what about planning, land, and funding? How do you…
630: Small Space – Big Potential

A Garden Chat with Niki Jabbour. – Great things come in small packages, even in gardening! Niki Jabbour’s enthusiasm for corners, windowsills, and balconies will have you reconsidering the growing potential of your tiniest spaces. Niki tells us what makes a good space, giving examples of some …
229: Barbara Pleasant on Gardening to fill your Pantry

229: Barbara Pleasant on Gardening to fill your Pantry. Taking home-grown foods into food storage. – – – – Barbara is an Award-winning writer having been covering organic gardening and […]
156: Keri Fox on SPIN Farming

Greg talks to Keri, a former electrician who quit to be a farmer because it was better for the planet. She tells why she left her successful business to run a small plot farm, and how she has developed that into quite the impressive and sustainable venture.
What is Permaculture, Anyway?

What is Permaculture, Anyway? By Tayler Jenkins Permaculture has received a lot of hype in the sustainable farming world — perhaps you’ve even incorporated some of its principles in your own garden […]
Gardening in Small Spaces – Greg's New Urban Farm Update

Gardening in Small Spaces – Greg’s New Urban Farm Update This week is all about growing space…or a lack thereof. The patio here at The New Urban Farm is a […]
China’s Polluted Land… Our Polluted Food
China’s Polluted Land… Our Polluted Food By Greg Peterson I am continually on the lookout for valuable data to share in our Urban Farm Lifestyle Newsletter. In doing this, I […]
It’s Not Black or White, It’s in the Middle
It’s Not Black or White, It’s in the Middle By George Szaszvari Human beings seem to like bandwagon causes to jump on to, and many are definitely worthy, but let’s […]
Being an Urban Farmer…What Does That Mean?
Being an Urban Farmer…What Does That Mean? By Greg Peterson Just what is an urban farmer, you ask? That is the question that Shaina, our marketing person, asked me this […]
What is Permaculture, Anyway?

What is Permaculture, Anyway? “Permaculture” is a term popping up all over the urban farming world nowadays, but what exactly does it mean? How is a permaculture farm any different […]