688: Free Water for the Garden

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus. – The biggest and most basic concern when maintaining a garden is water. In these uncertain times of drought and rising costs, how can you ensure your garden will not wilt just when you need it most? Don Titmus shares his secrets for finding free water right where you…

462: Molly Watson on Harvesting Garden Snails

Turning garden pests into edible treats. — In This Podcast: Her 9-year-old son wanted to eat snails while in France, and once home he wanted to eat the garden snails too – so food writer Molly Watson did the research and figured out how to harvest and cook the snails they collected. Her down to earth descriptions can help any gardener who wondered if the pests had an edible purpose. She also shares…

372: Brook Sarson on Water Harvesting

372: Brook Sarson on Water Harvesting. Building simple, cost-effective solutions for conserving water resources. Brook is co-owner and CEO of CatchingH2O and H2OME. She started H2OME in 2008 with the […]

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