702: Starting Your Fall Garden

A Garden Chat with Christy Wilhelmi. – Now is the perfect time to get a ‘kick in the pants’ on starting back into our fall gardening. Christy Wilhelmi, frequent Urban Farm Podcast guest and author of Garden Variety, joins us for this month’s Garden Chat to help dig into different aspects about one of the best…

675: Seed Dehybridizing

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the March 2022 class discussing seed dehybridizing. We love hybrid vigor and what hybridized seed can offer. The only downside to using hybridized seed is you can’t save it. Wait a minute. What if you found out that isn’t true? That you could capture the best…

583: Gregg Muller on Breeding Vegetables at Home

Breeding vegetables for a unique variety that is well-suited to your climate. – Diving into the topic of breeding for genetic seed diversity, Greg Muller’s curiosity led him to experiment with crossbreeding unique seed varieties. Greg illustrates the epic vegetable breeds he has been creating from…

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