369: Lanita Perry on Garden Based Education.

Actively teaching through growing food.

Lanita is a Special Education teacher at Irving Elementary in Cleeeburne, Texas and teaches in a Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.  She’s very excited about garden-based education and the opportunities it gives her students to learn across all academics in every grade level.  Her school garden is funded through grants so she is able to work with teachers and students to create their own garden.

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In This Podcast:

With a strong desire to share her love of planting, Lanita Perry has brought a Garden Based Education program to her elementary school.  Starting with her pre-k kids and all the way up the grade ladder, the students at her school can participate in the planting, growing, harvesting and eating of truly local vegetables.  She share with us tricks to making a school garden successful.

Listen in and learn about:

    • Growing up with gardening being a part of her life
    • Teaching pre-school for kids with disabilities
    • Setting up a garden at her school, and how the students love it
    • The surprise at how the fresh produce tastes differently
    • Some of the many ways that a garden can be a positive learning environment in and out of the classroom
    • Bringing math into the garden in a fun way that kids enjoy
    • Experiences with her students learning about potatoes from eyes to Easter eggs
    • Working with Lori Rose to have a garden at her school
    • Obstacles that she has run into
    • Engaging the community to participate
    • Helping the whole school participate in the harvest
    • Feedback from some of the students

As well as:

    • Her failure – The first year, the boxes were themed, and the plants were limited
    • Her success – The Grandparents Day Fundraiser
    • Her drive – Sharing her love of planting
    • Her advice – Have fun with the school garden…

Lanita’s Book recommendations: 

How to reach Lanita:          

Email: lanitajean22@gmail.com

Check out Lanita’s article on Garden Based Education HERE


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