84: DaNelle Wolford on Raising Goats and Sheep

DaNelle is a former health care provider, mother of 2 children, and creator of the blog Weed ‘em & Reap. DaNelle started to take an interest in a healthier lifestyle after suffering from two debilitating chronic diseases. On a mission to create a farm of her own, DaNelle forced, or rather ‘lovingly persuaded’ her husband to purchase a ranch home on an acre of land and transform it into their very own urban farm. DaNelle blogs at Weed ‘em & Reap where she writes about sustainable backyard farming, traditional food, & natural remedies.

Listen in for her hilarious experiences with and insightful advice about raising goats and sheep, plus how to make goat cheese (hint: it’s easier than you think!).

What drives DaNelle? Health, and the love of REAL food!
A book that influenced her:
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and Diet Dictocrats

DaNelle leaves us with this advice: Just jump in and don’t be afraid by the idea of failure.”
Where can you find DaNelle?
WeedEmAndReap.com <– Get on DaNelle’s email list here for more of her funny stories!
Weed ’em & Reap Facebook page

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One Response

  1. DaNelle,
    My husband and i are faithfully watching your utubes and love the homestead you have created. We live in Mesa Az, but do not have much land just a subdivison lot. We are very interested in growing fruits and veggies in our yard. I too have sold Doterra but never made the success you have. I absolutely beleive in the oils. I would love to meet up or correspond with you. We are older than your family, but feel your lifestyle, healthy living, and debt free goals are quite the same.
    Thank you, and congratulations on your success!!
    Ruth and Mike Hagerman

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