467: Bentley Christie on Worm Composting
Having WAY too much fun with worms! — In This Podcast: Watching his coworker throw her lunch scraps into a large bin under her desk was just too exciting for Bentley Christie and soon he was on his way to becoming the Compost Guy with a popular blog and website about worm composting. He shares his excitement and admiration for…
SOIL RECIPE: Hot Composting for Cool Folks
by Guest blogger: Sarah Botwala-Messina – We think composting is just like cooking a special dish. The tools, ingredients and techniques deserve attention. And it takes time, love and patience. The only difference is that in composting the role of ‘chef’ is played by…
416: Sarah Boltwala-Mesina on Community Composting
Transforming waste into soil, jobs, and community – Sarah Boltwala-Mesina, along with other parents, hoped to start a recycling program at their children’s school. This was the first step on her journey to creating Food2Soil, her business that collects food scraps from people and businesses in San Diego and turns those scraps into…