572: Neil Boyd on Life on a Grain Farm

Farming in Northern Alberta Farming in Northern Canada can be challenging due to short growing seasons and soil so thick that only resilient plants survive. However, Neil Boyd understands the land better than most and he also knows the secrets…

481: Rivka Fidel on Biochar and Carbon Farming

481 - Fidel, Rivka, on Biochar

Building soil quality through carbon management. – In This Podcast: Biochar can improve your soil and help the environment at the same time! We visited with Dr Rivka Fidel from the University of Arizona to learn all about biochar and carbon farming. Listen in for how you can make it, use it, and…

402: Ciara Bennett on Premium Homemade Granola

402: Ciara Bennett on Premium Homemade Granola. Creating a line of homemade nutritious and delicious snacks. Ciara is the founder of VintageOats, a Phoenix based, premium granola company.  Originally from […]

392: Gabe Brown on Beneficial Soil Ecosystems

392: Gabe Brown on Beneficial Soil Ecosystems. Knowing the secret to building healthy soil. Gabe is one of the pioneers of the current soil health movement which focuses on the […]

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