732: Aurora Rogers on Resilient Pioneering

Homesteading off the grid. – Join Aurora Rogers and Greg for a lively conversation about resiliency, home steading, low grid and becoming financially free. Aurora is a Venezuelan designer and process consultant devoted to creating resilient frameworks for every area of her life. Her husband of 24 years is Jason, who is an…

686: Chris Hall and Stef Lowi on Lovin Off the Land

Spending a year eating only what they could catch, grow, harvest, or raise. – Have you ever wondered what would it be like to eat for an entire year without stepping foot in a grocery store? Sure, our ancestors did it, but can we? Chris Hall and Stef Lowi decided to take advantage of the sudden…

639: Keeping Bees

A Farmer Friday interview with Nicole Gennetta: Nicole, a Master Beekeeper, sets us on the path to successful beekeeping by sharing the 5 steps she recommends beginners take before getting any bees. She tells how to determine if bees are legal on your property, and she recommends…

A New Start to My Beekeeping Adventure!

A New Start to My Beekeeping Adventure! By Anne-Marie Miller The last time I updated everyone on my first year of beekeeping I was limping over the finish line with […]

282: Stephanie Elson Bruneau on Benevolent Bees

282: Stephanie Elson Bruneau on Benevolent Bees.             Understanding a gentle and helpful creature essential to our food production. Stephanie is a beekeeper, herbalist, and artist. She runs The Benevolent […]

273: Hilary Kearney On Beekeeping

273: Hilary Kearney On Beekeeping. Buzzing through some basics on bees, hives and honey. Hilary owns and operates Girl Next Door Honey, and is a full-time beekeeper in her home […]

247: Kim Lehman on Beekeeping for Kids

247: Kim Lehman on Beekeeping for Kids. Helping young beekeepers learn and grow comfortable with the hives. – – – – Kim has worked over 25 years as a honey […]

171: Robbie Shell on Honeybees and Colony Collapse Disorder

Greg meets Robbie who is not a farmer or gardener but really has a story to tell that can make a difference. Robbie was inspired by some honeybees and decided to learn more about them. Her research eventually led her to write an environmental fiction book for middle school kids to help them understand and appreciate the honeybees and the challenge of colony collapse disorder.

10: Julia McGuire on Urban Beekeeping

Ever thought about keeping bees? Julia McGuire has kept bees in her backyard since 2008 and expanded to keeping bees in other people’s yards in 2013.

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