536: Chris McLaughlin on Raising Animals for Fiber.

Farming for yarn and more. – In This Podcast: Not all farmers produce food. Some farm flowers, plants, or seeds. Others use their animal herd to produce fiber crops for yarn and textiles. Chris McLaughlin is a fiber farmer and educator who shares all about the fascinating world of raising goats, sheep, rabbits, and…
466: Shannon McBride on Successful Community Collaboration

Bringing residents, local government, and businesses together to build an epic garden and so much more. — In This Podcast: The area Shannon McBride grew up in had experienced a tumultuous change when the Phoenix light rail was built right down the middle of it. Instead of allowing herself or her neighbors to get angry, she decided to build a collaboration for the area. Building around a vision for a safe, walkable community, she started…
114: Kelly Houle on Botanical Art

114: Kelly Houle on Botanical Art. Pursuing beauty and truth through artwork on nature. Kelly is a botanical and wildlife artist, calligrapher, and founder of Books of Kell’s Press, a […]