Planting, Watering, and Fertilizing Your Fruit Trees

The long term health of fruit trees in our extreme desert climate depends on three aspects of loving and caring for your fruit tree: Planting, watering, and applying fertilizers at the right times. Plants need to eat and drink daily just like we do, so fertilizing them once a year just isn’t enough. In this webinar we will dig into getting your fruit trees planted for success, discover Greg’s 40 year old watering methodology, observe Janis’s soil types and watering solutions, and learn how to properly fertilize (both foliar and granular) your trees for ultimate success.

Planting, Watering, and Fertilizing Your Fruit Trees

The long term health of fruit trees in our extreme desert climate depends on three aspects of loving and caring for your fruit tree: Planting, watering, and applying fertilizers at the right times. Plants need to eat and drink daily just like we do, so fertilizing them once a year just isn’t enough. In this webinar we will dig into getting your fruit trees planted for success, discover Greg’s 40 year old watering methodology, observe Janis’s soil types and watering solutions, and learn how to properly fertilize (both foliar and granular) your trees for ultimate success.

Planting, Watering, and Fertilizing Your Fruit Trees

The long term health of fruit trees in our extreme desert climate depends on three aspects of loving and caring for your fruit tree: Planting, watering, and applying fertilizers at the right times. Plants need to eat and drink daily just like we do, so fertilizing them once a year just isn’t enough. In this webinar we will dig into getting your fruit trees planted for success, discover Greg’s 40 year old watering methodology, observe Janis’s soil types and watering solutions, and learn how to properly fertilize (both foliar and granular) your trees for ultimate success.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.

Seed Up Saturday – Q&A Seed-A-Thon

We are at it again – except this time we are making MORE room for your questions.  Seed Up Saturday is 3 hours of seed education to to elevate your own gardening guru by learning to save seeds. Presented by the Great American Seed Up. Join us on this Zoom event to update and refresh your skills on seed saving.