617: Water Harvesting At The Urban Farm

Farmer Greg under a tree

A Farmer Friday Reflection by Greg Peterson: Farmer Greg’s sustainable, regenerative water harvesting system has him singing in the rain, even in the desert. Greg explains where the water comes from and where it goes, and he gives details about how he collects and distributes it. He also gives a formula for calculating …

616: Tara Nolan on Revamping Raised Bed Designs

Bringing New Life to Gardens — In This Podcast: Tara Nolan encourages us to grow edibles in whatever space we have and shows us how to think outside the 4 foot by 8 foot box when designing raised beds. Those who don’t have (or want) a full vegetable garden will appreciate her ideas for…

615: Getting Started with Greywater

A Farmer Friday interview with Laura Allen: Greg talks with Laura Allen from Greywater Action about a great way to get more life out of our water – by sending water we have already used in our home out to our garden instead of down the drain. Laura reveals the easiest…

614: Jenn Frymark on Growing Fresh and Closer to Home

Looking Outside of the Box for Garden Growing — In This Podcast: Jenn Frymark has grown fresh produce in some very unexpected places, so she is a firm believer that everyone can grow fresh and close to home, wherever home might be. She explains how she took this belief a step further and started Gotham Greens, using her hard-earned expertise to find out if…

500: John Lee Dumas on Lighting Your Life on Fire

Moving others to taking the leap towards inspiration. — In this podcast: We normally focus on inspiring urban farming, but for our 500th episode, we wanted to educate on one way you can turn your urban farming passion into a business. John Lee Dumas is the creator of…

300: Janis Norton on Urban Farm Projects

300: Janis Norton on Urban Farm Projects. Digging into the invisible structure behind The Urban Farm. Janis earned her degree in Sustainability from Arizona State University. Her previous experience in working […]

Greg Peterson – Special 250th Podcast

Greg Peterson – Special 250th Podcast. Interviewing Farmer Greg himself – about his life mission and creating The Urban Farm. – – – – Greg has lived at the Urban […]

1: Welcome to The Urban Farm Podcast

In today’s episode, podcast host Payton Collins interviews Greg Peterson about the podcast. Listen as Greg shares his story, the story of The Urban Farm, and introduces what The Urban Farm Podcast will be all about. 

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