527: Ray Speakman about Farming Instead of Retiring.

Ray Speakman

Starting an urban farm to keep young the later years. – In This Podcast: Have you ever wished for more gardening space? So did Ray Speakman when he took early retirement. But instead of just wishing, he recruited neighbors for their land and made his farming dreams a reality! Listen in to learn how he went…

506: Melissa Canales on Urban Microgreens.

Melissa Canales, Quantum Microgreens

Providing convenience, variety, and deliciousness to the on-the-go conscientious eater. – In This Podcast: We’ve all heard about the benefits of eating microgreens, but what does it take to grow them? Melissa Canales of Quantum Microgreens makes it her business to grow and supply this amazing…

504: John Lagoudakis on Business Side of Urban Farms

Developing lead generation without giving up the farm. – In This Podcast: An online presence is important for any farmer or person in agriculture to share their products and knowledge. This episode’s guest, John Lagoudakis, professionally coaches businesses on reaching…

503: Tiffany Panaccione on The Basil Project

Tiffany Panaccione

Taking the initial steps to starting her own farm. – In This Podcast: Returning guest, Tiffany Panaccione, is back for an update on her new basil farm. She discusses some of her early learnings on preparing greenhouse plants for a garden, when to plant outside of your area’s…

502: Allie Borovik on Networking Small Yard Farms

Allie Borovik

Building a community of farms, one yard at a time. – In This Podcast: How do you farm in a city without a large plot of land? Allie Borovik, the creator of Neighborfood, is learning how to do just that in Austin, TX. Using Fleet Farming and Curtis Stone for inspiration, she has devised…

492: Christopher Peterson on Urban Farming with Vets

Working with military vets to share urban farming skills. – In This Podcast: AOVS Urban Farm is much more than CSA and Farmers Market produce. The farm is home to veterans, and Christopher Peterson discusses the immense benefits for the veterans who work on the farm and the challenges of…

437: Casey O’Leary on Seed Cooperatives

Casey O'Leary Headshot

Stewarding our seed futures with regional growers working together – In This Podcast: We dove into the world of urban seed saving and starting a seed co-op with Casey O’Leary. She has worn many hats: an environmental activist, farmer, CSA owner, and founder of the…

One Infographic, Everything You Need to Know About CSAs

Editor’s note: Our friends at PartnerSelect and Ghergich & Co teamed up to make this infographic all about CSAs. View it below to learn more about what they are, why they are important, and how to make the most of your CSA!

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.