98: Michael Judd on Edible Landscape Design
Michael Judd has worked with agro-ecological and whole system designs throughout the Americas for the last 20 years focusing on applying permaculture and ecological design to increase local food security and community health in both tropical and temperate growing regions. He’s the founder of both Ecologia, LLC, Edible & Ecological Landscape Design and Project Bona Fide, an international non-profit supporting agro-ecology research.
Come listen and learn about Michael’s adventure in rural Latin America and what he learned from some Mayan tribes. He tells us how he learned they managed to meet all of their needs without help from the outside. Here is a bit of what we can learn in this podcast:
- What the word Regenerative means
- How design can take natural healthy ecosystems and design for human needs as well as life around us.
- Agro-ecology and what that means
- What is “alley-cropping”
- Stacking functions and “how you can get the most bang for your buck” and what it might look like.
- Herb Spirals description and why it is so useful in gardens of any size.
- Harvesting water for raised bed gardens through swales.
- Growing edible mushrooms
and more
Check out Michael’s book, Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist: How to Have Your Yard and Eat It Too
His other book recommendations:
Uncommon Fruits for Every Garden by Lee Rice
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 1, 2nd Edition: Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life and Landscape by Brad Lancaster
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (Vol. 2): Water-Harvesting Earthworks by Brad Lancaster
Where can you find Michael?
Facebook: Edible Landscaping with a permaculture twist
Instagram: @permacultureninja
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