Urban Beekeeping and Why You Should Keep Bees

julia beekeeping 5 2 2014 7Bees play a vital role maintaining healthy ecosystems and they are immensely important for humans and indeed all of Earth’s life forms, as they pollinate the plants which feed us. In fact, we can thank bees for pollinating about one-third of all the food we eat (USDA). You might have heard of “colony collapse disorder,” the mysterious phenomenon that describes the large numbers of bees dying lately. Why they are dying is not known for certain, but some potential causes are pathogens, parasites, nutrition, environmental stress, and pesticides (USDA).
How can we help? With bee numbers rapidly declining, the adventurous among us should consider urban beekeeping, or raising bees in cities. Obtaining beehives is beneficial for you, too: they not only increase the number of pollinators for plants in your area (including your own crops), but also provide you with delicious honey. Bees are truly fascinating creatures to watch and learning about them in such an in-depth manner can be an enriching experience.
Interested in learning more? There are organizations all over dedicated to helping people start beekeeping. Do a quick internet search for one near you and they will be happy to answer your questions and help you start your first beehive.

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