595: Defining What is Modern Homesteading

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg invites Brian Wells, host of The Homestead Journey Podcast, to share with us how he defines what it means to be a homesteader. Brian describes homesteading as a lifestyle that has evolved into the modern era where its definition depends…
232: John Vespasian on Rational, Self-Reliant Living

232: John Vespasian on Rational, Self-Reliant Living. Learning lessons of resilience from history. – – – – John is a personal development author of eight books about history and psychology, […]
219: Jennifer Osuch on Growing, Cooking, Preserving Your Own Food

219: Jennifer Osuch on Fundamentals of Self Reliance. Teaching back to basics food preparation and preserving skills. – – – – Jennifer is the author of the Preparedness Planner series, […]