216: Emiley Kight on Loving Natural Foods

A chance meeting at the Farmers Market connected Greg to Emiley Kight, a Nutrition Consultant who tells about how she helps people to make little changes and enjoy natural foods. She explains about how her focus on food was taking her towards the kitchens of large food corporations until her mom’s illness and the realization that real food information and options were not included in recovery discussions and she decided to work on changing that.

140: Dr. Jack Wolfson on the Paleo Diet

Greg chats with Dr. Jack about the paleo diet and how it affects heart health. Dr. Jack shares why he changed the way he practices cardiology and what he has learned about eating natural foods.  He explains more about how important it is to remove pollutants, improve nutrition, and even how eliminating gluten can make a difference in 24 hours.

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