A Bright Idea for Urban Farming: Solar Cooking

By Greg Peterson. Sunlight—we all get some or a lot, but besides turning it into a nice tan, heating water or making a few hundred watts of electricity, what else can you do with the brilliant sunshine?

What is Community Supported Agriculture?

What is Community Supported Agriculture? Community Supported Agriculture is becoming increasingly popular as a way for people to get access to fresh, local produce. First, the consumer signs up with […]

Aquaponics? I Just Want To Raise Some Fish

Aquaponics? I Just Want To Raise Some Fish By Greg Peterson For whatever reason when I came into this world I was very fascinated with fish.  I liked pretty much […]

Fruit Tree Tour Teaches Kids about Sustainable Food

Fruit Tree Tour Teaches Kids about Sustainable Food Thanks to an organization called Common Vision, children all over California are learning about the environment by planting fruit tree orchards at […]

Why Garden?

Why Garden? By Catherine, the Herb Lady “Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant a garden.” Orson Scott Card* The simple pleasure of growing edible vegetables, fruits and […]

Welcome to Your New Urban Farm Lifestyle Newsletter

Welcome to Your New Urban Farm Lifestyle Newsletter “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister and Novelist, 1804 – 1881 Change is a grand adventure and […]

Urban Farming on a Different Scale

Urban Farming on a Different Scale Many of you know that this past January I moved out of the Urban Farm. What you may not know is that I am […]

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.