599: Building Healthy Soil with Five Essential Components

Farmer Greg under a tree

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg kicks off this episode with answering two questions from our listeners that focus on aspects of looking at pest management from a different angle. Tying into our main focus, Greg shares with us the concept of understanding natural pest management and…

593: Exploring the Seven Layers of a Food Forest

Farmer Greg under a tree

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg invites Crystal Stevens on our show to illustrate the seven dense layers of a food forest and the important role each layer provides to an ecosystem. From the top canopy layer to the microbes under the soil, Crystal points out how…

484: Kristie Kapp on Eco-Edible Landscaping

Kristie Kapp

Helping others understand and create food forests. – In This Podcast: Eco-edible landscaping sounds like a cool new method, but it incorporates many of the tried and true methods of permaculture. Kristie Kapp educates on building a food forest and how to incorporate 7 layers, support plants, and…

SOIL RECIPE: Hot Composting for Cool Folks

by Guest blogger: Sarah Botwala-Messina – We think composting is just like cooking a special dish. The tools, ingredients and techniques deserve attention. And it takes time, love and patience. The only difference is that in composting the role of ‘chef’ is played by…

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