615: Getting Started with Greywater

A Farmer Friday interview with Laura Allen: Greg talks with Laura Allen from Greywater Action about a great way to get more life out of our water – by sending water we have already used in our home out to our garden instead of down the drain. Laura reveals the easiest…

257: Laura Allen on Greywater

257: Laura Allen on Greywater. Exploring low-tech, sustainable water solutions for urban homes and landscapes. Laura has spent the past 15 years exploring low-tech, urban, sustainable water solutions, while earning […]

110: Brad Lancaster on Rainwater Harvesting

514: Brad Lancaster about Harvesting the Rain.

Planting edible trees and crops & water harvesting in the desert. – Brad Lancaster is the author of the award-winning Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond and co-founder of DesertHarvesters.org. Since 1993 Brad has run a successful permaculture education, design, and consultation business focused on integrated regenerative approaches to…

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