Urban Farm Fruit Tree Program Logo

2023 Fruit Tree Program Launch Party

Every year we start our Fruit Tree Program with A Day FULL of Free Fruit Tree Education. This year we have an online event with 5 Speakers, Fruit Tree variety videos, Free Prizes, Early Bird pricing and access to virtually everything you need to know to successfully grow fruit trees in the low desert! We are dedicated to helping you succeed, and this is where we begin.

Orange Trees

Leveling UP your Fruit Tree Care

A new class on personalizing your tree care routine. We have been teaching how to care for trees for many years and with the extreme weather lately we’ve personally had to level up our care to adapt. Through years of research and experience, and the help of our trusted fruit tree experts and mentors, we learned what is working for fruit trees in our extreme climate. In this class we will explain what the basic level of care is for your fruit trees and how to level up and get healthier, more productive trees. You can decide which level you are ready for based on your time, experience, and financial commitment.

Orange Trees

Leveling UP your Fruit Tree Care

A new class on personalizing your tree care routine. We have been teaching how to care for trees for many years and with the extreme weather lately we’ve personally had to level up our care to adapt. Through years of research and experience, and the help of our trusted fruit tree experts and mentors, we learned what is working for fruit trees in our extreme climate. In this class we will explain what the basic level of care is for your fruit trees and how to level up and get healthier, more productive trees. You can decide which level you are ready for based on your time, experience, and financial commitment.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.

What you need to know before you buy a Fruit Tree

Did you know that you can go into every big box store and most nurseries and they will sell you a fruit tree that will never make fruit? The selection of fruit trees that you can grow is vast – peaches, apples, apricots, plums, pears, citrus and more – but not all fruit trees are alike and discovering which ones work in the desert and how to pick a perfect fruit tree for your yard can be challenging. Join us as we help you navigate the key information you need to make the best decision for you and your space.