3: Kari Spencer on Urban Homesteading

In this episode, we interview gardener and speaker Kari Spencer to learn all about her experience farming! Listen for interesting and useful information regarding quails as livestock, perennial vs annual plants, mulch, the importance of education, and “growing” your groceries.

2: Jake Mace on Creating a Luscious Food Forest

In this episode, we interview Jake about his urban farm, learn some of his best tips and tricks, how to avoid his failures, and become inspired by his mission to live a life that’s compassionate with a a zero- to positive-sum impact on the earth, particularly through his commitment to a vegan lifestyle.

Sheet Mulching, AKA Lasagna Gardening

Soil Secrets from The Urban Farm: Sheet Mulching, AKA Lasagna Gardening By Greg Peterson I am often asked how I make such great soil at the Urban Farm, and why I […]

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