294: Lyndsay Jacobs on Starting a Non-Industrial Small Farm.

Running a machinery-free farm with nature inspired principles and techniques.

Lyndsay is a graduate of the Zenger Farm Internship Program where she learned how to address food justice issues, develop efficiency and endurance in farming methods, and best chicken husbandry practices. She earned her degree in Graphic Design & Interior Architecture from James Madison University and is using that on marketing, branding, craftsmen experience, and design expertise for farm infrastructure. She received her Permaculture Design Certificate in Portland.

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Lyndsay and her business partner Lauren (who was our guest on episode 293) run Sprout and Blossom Farm in Vancouver, WA combining their social and environmental justice passions, with permaculture and sustainability inspired practices for animal, plant, and human systems on the farm.

In This Podcast:

As one of two new millennial farmers, Lyndsay Jacobs and her business partner Lauren are working their farm using their own labor rather than rely on technology. With the exception of removing some sod in the early days, they are growing and harvesting the crops on their small farm without the use of any typical industrial machines.  As they bring their vegetables to market they know they are doing the right thing by all the positive feedback they are getting from their customers!

Listen in and learn about:

    • How she started near the East Coast traveled a bit after college and ended up on the west coast
    • She tried woofing and moved to Portland with her friend Lauren who became her business partner
    • Taking the Permaculture Design Course and found more like-minded people
    • Starting a farm at 26 years old
    • The WWOOF experience that helped her get started on farming
    • Learning about permaculture
    • the Zenger Farm Internship Program where they teach future farmers of America
    • What the Sprout and Blossom farm looks like if you were visiting
    • How they are trying to keep their farm technology free and in line with permaculture principles
    • Renting a sod cutter and getting all the grass off their property
    • What they did with the sod
    • Hugleculture in their beds
    • The crops they are growing and how they are providing it to their customers
    • Why she feels like she is doing the right thing

As well as:

Her failure – starting out without some necessary organization like having a crop plan

Her success – All the positive feedback and support they are getting from their community

Her drive – being able to grow food for herself and the people she loves, as well as giving back to mother earth and her community

Her advice – Do what you love and focus your energy into that, stay true to yourself, do it with integrity

Lyndsay’s Book recommendations:         

Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2nd Edition by Toby Hemenway

How to reach Lyndsay:       

Website: Sproutandblossomfarm.com

Instagram: sproutandblossomfarm

  Producer’s note: You can look up a Permaculture Design Course in your local area, or if you are in the Phoenix area click here for the course Producer’s note: Here is the link to Toby’s Hemenway’s Podcast. and the link to his Permaculture City course


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