43: Sarica Cernohous on Traditional Foods for Optimal Digestion
Sarica Cernohous is a licensed acupuncturist in Arizona and California. Her formal education includes Traditional Oriental Medicine, Chinese Herbal medicine, the unique and involved theoretical construct of Asian medicine, western biomedicine, and both western and eastern perspectives on nutrition.
She uses techniques such as fermentation and culturing, to low-heat dehydrating, to soaking and sprouting and the use of bone broths to create an environment suitable for optimal digestion.
She shares many of her recipes and insights on her blog and website.
What one “tweak” would she recommend you make to your daily diet?
First, it depends! Everyone is different. But to generalize, the one tweak she would recommend is to look at your behavior around breakfast for a couple of reasons.
- Typical morning behavior is around a stimulant which starts an energetic roller coaster.
- Solution: Bring your coffee into the meal, rather than on an empty stomach.
- Cold cereal for breakfast. Be sure to listen to the podcast to get the full details of the cold cereal experiment (timestamp 22:26). Are oats ok? Listen to the interview 🙂
- Get more sleep to eliminate carb cravings.
Sarica has an free webinar coming up to help people prepare more food at home:
How to Prepare Traditional, Wholesome Foods in 30 Minutes or Less a Day! Register here
We love Sarica’s book:
The Funky Kitchen: A Compilation of One Soccer Mom’s Favorite Traditional Food Techniques and Recipes Paperback
What book was influential to Sarica?
“The Maker’s Diet” by Jordan Rubin
The information in the book—based upon the concept that we should eat foods more in alignment with the foods our ancestors consumed-allowed her to use alternatives to pasteurized cow’s milk, then moving into making yogurt and kefir, and next onto soaking and sprouting beans, her experiences in traditional methods sparked further questions and continued interest in their functionality. And this interest continues today!
Where to find Sarica:
The Funky Kitchen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/acusarica @acusarica
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