621: How to Grow Healthy Plants with Greywater

A Farmer Friday interview with Laura Allen: Greg welcomes back Laura, from Greywater Action, this time to teach us some specifics about using greywater. While the concept of greywater is fairly straightforward, there are some basic rules. Laura tells us how to easily recognize and avoid…
615: Getting Started with Greywater

A Farmer Friday interview with Laura Allen: Greg talks with Laura Allen from Greywater Action about a great way to get more life out of our water – by sending water we have already used in our home out to our garden instead of down the drain. Laura reveals the easiest…
257: Laura Allen on Greywater

257: Laura Allen on Greywater. Exploring low-tech, sustainable water solutions for urban homes and landscapes. Laura has spent the past 15 years exploring low-tech, urban, sustainable water solutions, while earning […]