518: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 3

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In the final part of our interview with David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, talks soil, owning your mistakes, and balancing food production in limited spaces. He also shares what it’s like to…

517: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 2

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 2 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about his definition of permaculture, soil conservation and regenerative practices, creating civilization systems that…

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 1 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about the birth of permaculture. Learn about what inspired the concept of permaculture, permanent agriculture, working with…

436: Peter Bane on Permaculture

Peter Bane Headshot

436: Peter Bane on Permaculture Helping others understand how to plan their environments to work with nature.  Peter Bane has served the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA) –  as a […]

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