461: Chris Rawley on Alternative Funding for Urban Farmers

Investing in small agriculture businesses. — In This Podcast: Production farming in America is not an easy business path to start on without some help or connections. Appreciating the value of farming after his travels in the US Navy, Chris Rawley realized these challenges farmers face when trying start or expand small-to-midsize farms and decided…
Investing in our Food System

by Guest blogger: Chris Rawley — Like many kids from my generation, I grew up in the suburbs and ate frozen dinners in front of a boxy, wooden TV with a handful of channels. I didn’t know what was in my food, how it was produced, where it was grown, or who produced it. Then after college, I joined the…
436: Peter Bane on Permaculture

436: Peter Bane on Permaculture Helping others understand how to plan their environments to work with nature. Peter Bane has served the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA) – as a […]