489: Abraham Noe-Hays on Fertilizer from Urine

Changing the world by reclaiming nutrients lost from our bodies. – In This Podcast: What is your first thought when you think of using urine as fertilizer? Abraham Noe-Hays from the Rich Earth Institute may change your mind. Urine contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all things…
Religion and Gardening

Religion and Gardening by Guest blogger: Lena RoosProfessor, Study of Religion Listen to her podcast HERE Growing food connects all religions In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus uses the image […]
390: Lena Roos on Religion and Gardening

390: Lena Roos on Religion and Gardening. Bringing together nature and theology. Lena is a Full Professor, teaching History of Religions in Stockholm Sweden. She is also an avid allotment […]