Get GMO-Free Seeds

Get GMO-Free Seeds Avoiding GMOs in your garden? Native Seed Search is a non-profit organization based in the southwest that is dedicated to preserving the area’s agricultural diversity through seed saving. Their seed bank now is more than 1,800 varieties strong, containing indigenous and modern crops alike, and they distribute these seeds to local communities…


The Plant: Revolutionizing Food Production

The Plant: Revolutionizing Food Production “The Plant” in Chicago is a vertical farm intent on revolutionizing food production and sustainable economic development by utilizing a closed-loop aquaponic growing system and housing sustainable food businesses. Their ingenious method creates a variety of products while enuring that nothing goes to waste. They have designed the facility so…


Why Garden?

Why Garden? By Catherine, the Herb Lady “Unemployment is capitalism’s way of getting you to plant a garden.” Orson Scott Card* The simple pleasure of growing edible vegetables, fruits and herbs and experimenting with new-to-me varieties and even species is what drives me to garden. Yet then there is the practical, the sense of accomplishment,…
