111: Tim Amlaw on Tackling Food Deserts.

An Urban Hydroponic Project of PureHarvest Foods.

Tim is an urban agrarian from a farm and agriculture education training and background. He has dedicated his life to building farmer based systems and programs to improve agriculture, humane care of animals and now local Urban Agriculture. His current endeavor is PureHarvests Foods and the Project Arizona Urban Organic Veggie, rejuvenating vacant land in the city with scaled vegetable production and training a local workforce to meet all of the community’s fresh vegetable needs.

Listen in to learn about:

  • His long family history of sustainable agriculture
  • How he got computers from Steve Jobs into his classroom
  • The new project ready to deploy in Arizona to help serve food desert areas
  • Why he thinks his urban farming project can help make 700 million heads of lettuce in Phoenix a year to serve the under-served areas
  • How scale is significant for farmers and how locally grown food can help the reduce the waste in the food system
  • How hydroponic gardening can be organic
  • How he hopes to meet the demands of the valley in lettuce and expand into other veggies
  • How the project can help provide agriculture jobs in the valley year round and still be in a comfortable environment
  • How technology is so important to his endeavors

As well as:

  • Overcoming a failure –hear his story about undercapitalization on a project involving muscle growth in cattle
  • His biggest success – working with American Humane, and his education career
  • What drives him is bringing more good food to the community
  • His one piece of advice for podcast listeners is how to get engaged in local agriculture

How to reach Tim:



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