The Top 12 Reasons To Install LED Lighting

12. LEDs come in several colors including: Day White, Natural White and Warm White.
11.  Many LEDs are dimmable.
10.  LEDs are flicker-free eliminating the eyestrain and headaches commonly associated with fluorescent lighting.  This is a real must for children with autism.  Fluorescents bulbs flicker at an average of 60 times per second. They also product UV rays and Infrared Rays.
9.  LEDs do not contain mercury or lead like incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.  Plus most PrimeStar LED lighting products meet ROH certification standards, making them recyclable.
8.  PrimeStar LEDs last 25 to 50 times longer than other bulbs, with a minimum lifespan of 50,000 hours.
7.  LEDs are slow to fail.  There are no catastrophic failures, or burning out.  So at the end of 50,000 hours your LED will have many thousands of hours of life left.  Even at 50,000 hours of life the LED light levels still retain 70% of their original lighting level.
6.  LEDs run cool.  Other lights add heat to the space that then needs to be cooled.
5.  LEDs reduce labor costs, their longer lifespan reduce the need for changing of light bulbs, virtually eliminating the labor costs to change bulbs.
4.  LEDs are much sturdier than other bulbs.  Given their construction they are hard to break plus with PrimeStar LED’s there is no glass involved.
3.  LEDs come to full power immediately and do not require a cycle time to restart.  Unlike many other types of lighting, LED’s do not deteriorate with constant on/off use.
2.  LEDs are a long-term asset, not a short term consumable.  By adding an LED to a light fixture in your home or office you have effectively eliminated the need to ever purchase another light bulb.
And the Number One reason to install LEDs…Because of their efficient design and new technologies they can save 50% to 90% in electricity.  Simply put (in some cases) if your electric bill for lighting is $1000, by installing LED’s you could reduce it by up to $800.

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