739: “Keeping Chickens, Goats and More in Your Backyard”

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…

733: You Too Can Have an Urban Farm

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…

Refreshing My Tower Garden

Refreshing My Tower Garden By Greg Peterson June 2023 Update:  Hey folks, I took my Tower Garden with me when we moved and I am excited to start this back […]

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