572: Neil Boyd on Life on a Grain Farm

Farming in Northern Alberta Farming in Northern Canada can be challenging due to short growing seasons and soil so thick that only resilient plants survive. However, Neil Boyd understands the land better than most and he also knows the secrets…
471: Jake Mowrer on Deep in the Soil

Digging into the reasons plants flourish. — In This Podcast: We delve deeper into the relationship between plant roots and healthy soil with Jake Mowrer. He explains why the soil changes when plant roots extend through it’s layers, and lessons learned from the dustbowl times regarding …
407: Steve Szudera on Nutrient Rich Soil

407: Steve Szudera on Nutrient Rich Soil. Becoming a steward of the soil. Steve is a third-generation farmer from western North Dakota with over 35 years of no-till farming experience […]