Book Review: Old Manhattan Has Some Farms
By Susan Lendroth, Illustrated by Kate Endle
Reviewed by Tayler JenkinsIn this children’s book released just last month, Lendroth writes a fun new song to the tune of “Old Macdonald Had a Farm”—in this version, kids learn about urban farming in cities across the United States, from rooftop gardens in Chicago to hydroponics in Seattle. Illustrations feature kids all over the country taking part in growing food by composting, potting plants, watering plants, beekeeping and, best of all, sharing and eating delicious fresh foods. Through these bright and colorful illustrations and smoothly-flowing lyrics, this book is an excellent way to introduce kids to different aspects of city farming and teach them that you can grow food anywhere. At the back of the book, there are even some tips for singing the song using your own hometown’s name.
Old Manhattan Has Some Farms is an excellent tool for anyone that wants to teach their kids about urban farming in a fun and age appropriate manner. It is catchy, too, and before you know it the entire family will be singing “E-I-E-I-Grow!”
The book can be purchased on Amazon or may also be available at a public library near you.