The Urban Farm’s New Book Series
Greg Peterson and Urban Farm Press presents a new and unique series of mini books designed for the busy, fast-paced life we live. The series, called The Urban Farm’s Simple Sustainability Series, feature palm-size, single topic, and well-researched mini books that are concise and to the point with each book exploring a different aspect of living a green (sustainable) lifestyle. Topics are addressed in a guilt-free, action-oriented and upbeat manner. Designed as a quick study, the books bridge the gap between facts and action and are written in an inspirational manner for anyone with an interest in green lifestyle changes and sustainably oriented processes.
The mini-book format features:
• 3.5” by 5” size
• A low price of $7.95
• 8,000 to 15,000 words
• Highly topic specific material
• A quick, engaging, inspirational read, and
• Communicate the point using less paper.
The current series contains the following four books to be followed by an additional six planned for release in 2010:
• My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard, By Greg Peterson
• Fowl Play, Your Guide to Keeping Chickens in Your Yard, By Rachel Bess with Greg Peterson
• How Green Am I?, Your Personal Environmental Audit, By Don Lotter with Greg Peterson
• Grow Wherever You Go, Discover the Place Where Your Garden Lives, By Greg Peterson
Each book contains helpful, factual and interesting information designed to inspire readers into action.
Urban Farm Press and Your Guide To Green are established, reliable sources of information on green living. Therefore the information is educational, fact-based, substantive, and well-researched — based on well-documented sources. Books are written in an upbeat, positive, non-preachy, no guilt voice that is fun and easy-to-read.
It’s simply rewarding.
• My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard, By Greg Peterson
You can create your own urban farm. Creating your own urban farm is as simple as planting you flowerbeds with edibles. The payoffs can include home grown food and a deeper connection to the earth. In this unique mini-book, Greg Peterson shares how his yard went from grass and hedges to his very own Urban Farm, full of vegetables and fruit trees with plenty to share. His motto ‘food grows abundantly – lets grow it and give it away.’ This insightful book about how Greg’s Urban Farm came to be will inspire you to create your own urban farm.
• Fowl Play, Your Guide to Keeping Chickens in Your Yard, By Rachel Bess with Greg Peterson
Why should you keep chickens in your back yard? Think fresh eggs, the thrill of the daily hunt, the chickens tilling your soil, eating your food scraps, weeds, seeds and bugs then providing great fertilizer.
“You can learn so much about live from chickens,” explains Michelle M., a busy nurse, wife and mother of seven. “I’ve learned that keeping chickens is good for my soul.”
Anyone can do it…no roosters required. The secrets to your success easily unfold in the pages of Fowl Play. Read and gather your rewards.
• How Green Am I?, Your Personal Environmental Audit, By Don Lotter with Greg Peterson
Living green is simpler than you think. The gamut of green choices is endless, whether it’s paying a bill online, turning he water off while brushing your teeth, planting a garden or recycling. Everyday simple changes add up in a hurry. Awareness is the key!
By reading How Green Am I? you will discover many palces where you can paint your life a little greener. Using Greg Peterson’s ‘No Suffering Allowed” attitude, this book covers the 14 areas that make the biggest impact on our environmental footprint.
This is the most comprehensive footprint-measuring tool on the market. Simply by filling it out you will transform the way you live.
• Grow Wherever You Go, Discover the Place Where Your Garden Lives, By Greg Peterson
Where does your garden live? No matter where you are you can grow something to eat. Shift your thinking and you’d be surprised at the places your food can be grown! Windowsill, fire escape and rooftop gardens have the same potential to provide impressive harvests as backyard gardens, greenhouses and community spaces.
Grow Wherever You Go helps you explore and discover just where your garden lives. So whether you choose to grow a few herbs, or work your way toward creating an entire edible landscape, the process is simpler and more deliciously rewarding than you can imagine. Be creative…discover your garden!
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