Fruit Tree Program

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Tree Chat: Breaking News

Zoom Webinar A link to log in to the event will be sent in separate email.

We have feverishly been working behind the scenes to bring to life a better Fruit Tree training program than the what we've created so far. Come join us August 8th to get the breaking news on this program.

Citrus Tree Pick-Up

Fruit Tree Nursery 4549 N 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ

Ready to pick up your trees and planting supplies? The CITRUS pick up phase is opening with: 3 days in September and 6 days in October. If you have never picked up trees from our local Fruit Tree Program we can tell you it is a busy, yet very supportive process. Learn more here.

Tree Chat – Planting, Watering, and Fertilizing

Zoom Webinar A link to log in to the event will be sent in separate email.

Tuesday, January 9th at 6pm AZ The long term health of fruit trees in our extreme desert climate depends on three aspects of loving and caring for your fruit tree: […]

Fruit Tree Pick Up – Final Day

Ready to pick up one or more extra fruit trees or planting supplies? The pickup phase of the Urban Farm Fruit Tree Program is only in January for Deciduous trees, […]

Tree Chat: Prepping Young Trees For a Long Hot Summer

Zoom Chat Room The zoom link is the same every month. We will send link in an email.

Tuesday, June 11th at 6pm AZ For those of us who struggle with  summer heat, we need to consider our young trees as they acclimate to their surroundings.  Our summers […]

Citrus Tree Pick-Up

Fruit Tree Nursery 4549 N 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ

Ready to pick up your trees and planting supplies? The CITRUS pick up phase is opening with: 6 days in September. If you have never picked up trees from our local Fruit Tree Program we can tell you it is a busy, yet very supportive process. Learn more here

Citrus Tree Pickup

Ready to pick up your trees and planting supplies? The CITRUS pick up phase is opening with: 6 pickup days in September: Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Sept 26, 27, 28 The […]

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