Become an urban farm Patron

It is my joy and delight to support your food growing journey through The Urban Farm’s programs. Did you know that I actually pay out-of-pocket for every podcast episode that airs? And every online course we offer costs thousands to create. To help us with these costs, The Urban Farm Team has put together a patron program. This program is designed to bring you even more incredible content while helping us to cover our expenses. For more of my story and details about the Patron Program, continue reading below. Or, choose your plan now to support your own journey as well as the global movement to bring urban farming to households worldwide:

Urban Farmer Silver ($10/month) 


  • Ad-free access to the entire Urban Farm Podcast Library (700+ episodes)
  • Exclusive access to the Freshly Green podcast archive
  • Access to the private Urban Farm U Facebook community

Urban Farmer Gold ($25/month)


  • Everything from tier one (silver)
  • 2 patron-only educational urban farming classes per month
  • Exclusive discounts on Urban Farm U online courses

Urban Farmer Platinum
(Coming soon)


  • Everything from the previous two tiers
  • PLUS a monthly small group coaching session with Greg ($200 value per session)

My Story Continued...

The Urban Farm was started in 2001 with the intent of helping transform our local food system. Since then, we’ve made a lot of progress both locally here in Phoenix with our Fruit Tree Education Program and globally with The Urban Farm Podcast and Urban Farm U Online Courses. 

Urban Farm U is the branch of The Urban Farm that delivers online food-growing courses. I started Urban Farm U in 2012 to reach more people around the globe and help make front and backyard gardening education both accessible and affordable. If it were up to me, to my team’s chagrin, we would be putting out new courses every month. That’s how excited we are about the work that we do!

The Urban Farm Podcast was started in 2015 as a continuation of my mission to make food growing education accessible to as many people as possible worldwide. Today, The Urban Farm Podcast has over 650 episodes and counting!

I started The Urban Farm Patron Program to support your urban farming journey in bigger ways AND help me cover my expenses so that I can continue sharing this information for years to come. 

Become an Urban Farm Silver Patron ($10/month) to get exclusive access to ALL 650+ episodes of The Urban Farm Podcast – 7 years’ worth of episodes for your enjoyment! Plus, you’ll get access to my flagship podcast, Freshly Green (which is no longer available to the public), and an invitation to the Urban Farm U private Facebook community. 

Become an Urban Farm Gold Patron ($25/month) if you’re ready to invest some time into your urban farming education, with access to not only the entire Urban Farm Podcast library, Freshly Green Podcast, and Facebook community  but also 2 urban farming classes per month and exclusive discounts on Urban Farm U courses.

See the complete list of perks below, and know that when you become a supporter you are helping keep The Urban Farm, Urban Farm U and The Urban Farm Podcast running and thriving for years to come for your own education AND that of aspiring growers around the world. 

Join the movement by selecting a plan above! Please email if you have any questions.

— Greg Peterson

2 Responses

  1. Usually train people on different gardening skills both in the Urban and rural areas and would love to acquire new modem and skills of gardening to be able to mobilise, train run more activist activities in Uganda. Unfortunately can not pay for the monthly contribution. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you

  2. The Patron Program sounds excellent! With so many sources of gardening info available, The Urban Farm offers a super varied approach. I hope that many Patrons join because the work that Greg and his team share should compensate their efforts!

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